Thursday, 21 July 2016

Adsense Ads Not Showing After Switching To Custom Domain? Here Is What To Do

                                    Image result for the best hosting plans in nigeria Lately, many Blogger users have been complaining that AdSense ads stop showing on their blogs once they add a custom domain to their blog but shows if they revert back to their .blogspot address. Well, you are not alone. That's how the Google Adsense system now works.

If you signed up for AdSense through an AdSense host partner (eg Blogger or YouTube), ads generated from such AdSense account will not display automatically on a custom domain (aka Non-host partner website). Ads will only display on the host sharer - YouTube, or

Top 10 Web Hosting Companies in Nigeria

                                          Image result for the best hosting plans in nigeriaThere are so many web hosting providers in Nigeria, today we bring you the top ten web hosting companies in Nigeria. The rate is based on market share (number of domains hosted). WhoGoHost tops the chart with over 27% market share, while Qservers comes second with about 19.8% share and Skyskay with about 17% share. The top three providers has about 65% of the market share, leaving the remaining 35% for the other companies. Most of the providers offer very affordable plans starting from as low as 2500 Naira per year.
Here are the Top 10 web hosting providers in Nigeria
1) WhoGoHost
WhoGoHost is a Web Hosting and Domain Registration Company in Nigeria which was founded in the year 2007. Over the years, WhoGoHost has grown to be one of the top web hosting company in Nigeria and is also an accredited Google Apps Reseller, .NG Registrar and

Connecting Your Domain to Your Blogger/Blogspot

                                             Image result for how to point your blog to .com       
Google provides free blogging if you sign up for their services, and allows you to point your personal domain to it. There are two parts to this process. First, setting up your blog account to permit this, and secondly, configuring the DNS for the domain with easyDNS.
Setting Up Your Blogspot Account
1. Log into your blog with Google
2. Click on the dropdown menu and